Helpful Links
In this section I have tried to include as many of the websites or articles that I have found very helpful during my own journey. I am not affiliated with any of these websites or individuals. I simply used the services they offer or dipped in and out of their websites to gain knowledge for myself.
If you come across any outstanding people, ideas or websites that you think should be included here, please send all ideas to
A fantastic breast cancer website with a plethora of helpful information.
I used the Chat service to connect with others going through breast cancer. It is of course for all cancers. The support from some of the ladies I connected with, was invaluable.
As with Breast Cancer Now, a fantastic wealth of information but on all cancers.
After reading Jane McLelland's book, How to Starve Cancer, I found myself using PubMed to do my own research on new and existing medical papers.
Invaluable resource for checking on herbal and other supplements and their safety whilst undergoing treatment.
A UK distributor of earthing products that connect you to the earth's natural energy for healing. I used a grounding mat during my treatment and still do. I also bought an earthing sheet to sleep on. Mike is so incredibly helpful and knowledgeable.
A wonderful charity and support group for anyone in the south east of London. I had my very first zoom support meeting with them the day after my diagnosis. Fab ladies.
The website of Jane McLelland, author of How to Starve Cancer. A must read if you want to know how to starve cancer cells from growing.
A website containing information on Mesothelioma, which is a little known, rare cancer caused by inhaling or ingesting asbestos.
A kind and caring lady, looking after people with hair loss from either chemotherapy or alopecia. Jennifer made and fitted my wig when I lost my hair.
Very deep, yet amazing and alternative way of viewing yourself and meditating in order to heal your body. is an advocacy and support group dedicated to providing all the latest in cancer research, treatment, and aid. Visit them to learn more about the affects asbestos can have on women's health and how they can care for those already impacted.
An article written by Dr Peter Harvey
An article written by Dr Liz O'Riordan on her blog. Liz was a breast cancer surgeon and then became a breast cancer patient
An article for the Daily Mail by Dr Liz O'Riordan